Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Life is a Playground Analogy - #001 - Life is a Swing

Life is a Swing Analogy
Prepared by: [DJK]

Life is a Swing, An analogy of playing on a swing and how it relates to living life.
The Swing represents the Lives we sit through, the higher we are the happier we become though we always come back down. We push against the ground to get ourselves higher. The ground represents problems. We make the effort to solve our problems in turn it makes us happy, though without the ground we would have nothing to push against. A life without problems feels meaningless.

The Swings we get differ from person to person. The quality of the seat of the swing determines how comfortable we feel with life, though it wears down over time, we can make the effort to replace it for a better or worse one.  The Swings we get differ in height and length of chain describes the maximum potential society has set for us. The longer chain and higher the swing set, the higher one could swing. But no matter how permanent these chains may feel they can be altered. Make the effort to make your chains longer and heighten your swing set. 

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