Friday, May 27, 2016

Market Research - Interview with LynnSenpaii on the events at Penang Anime Matsuri

So K-Radio13 is planning to host a booth in this years Comic Fiesta 2016 Malaysia,
And so we had to do some market research on what people are currently interested in,

After finding out that one of our past contributors was back in the country and visited a recent event in the country I decided to ask her some questions,
Didn't plan to make a post out of this but her answers were really good and felt it needed to be in a post.

LynnSenpaii Interview  (Monday, 23rd May 2016)
LynnSenpaii as Honoka Kosaka
Event Image - Penang Anime Matsuri 2016 

[DJK] : Heyhihello, Just wanted to ask some questions about the recent convention you went too.

[Lynn] : Hey! Yeah what is it? :3

[DJK] :
So first question, What Character did you see an abundance of? Or rather according to what people are cosplaying as, what anime would you say is currently popular?

[Lynn] : I think the most popular anime as of now is probably Love Live ! and Zootopia? I saw a bunch of Love Live cosplayers everywhere ! From that con itself, definitely Love Live was the most popular

[DJK] : Hmm ok and how about in terms of merchandise. What anime was most prominent and in what form of merchandising?

[Lynn] : Again I think Love Live was pretty popular ; I think the era of idols have taken over for now to be honest ; and the mystery bags were really popular ; I saw a couple of weird leaf/bird hair clips being worn around and cat/fox ears are also pretty popular among cosplayers.

[DJK] : We're there any sort of product that you've seen that you would consider over-saturated. As in many merchants were selling the same type of goods.

[Lynn] : I think a lot of the stores sold the same things. Mystery Bags, Badges, Stickers, Shirts there really wasn't much variety in the stuff they were selling at the con.

[DJK] : Okie dokie and last two questions, did you purchase any merchandise? And maybe if you didn't was there any product you wanted to purchase but for some reason decided not too?

[Lynn] : I didn't get any merchandise this time round, but I was definitely interested in getting a Haikyuu sticker set by an artist but I didn;t have any use for it even if I bought it so I decided against it ; other than that, there wasn't anything that caught my interest, and if it did it just cost too much ;_;

[DJK] : Ok so final questions, these line of questions were originally just for market research for one of the KR13-Rebirth contributor booth in an upcoming convention this December, But since you've answered with some really great responses would you mind if we used this as a sort of itnerview on your experience during the con. For a post on Rebirth?

[Lynn] : Yeah that's totally fine !

[DJK] : So that was LynnSenpaii, answering some of our questions, Anything you want to say to the readers?

[Lynn] : Cosplaying and going to conventions are not about having the perfect costume, or the perfect makeup but it's about having fun and enjoying your love for the series with other people who love the same thing as you do! So if you've been hesitating to go to a convention, or to cosplay, stop hesitating and JUST DO IT ! You won't regret it ! (;

[DJK] For some of the old readers of K-Radio13 you may recognize who LynnSenpaii is either-way though please support her by following her on Instagram @lynnsenpaii and her personal blog

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thought provoking post #004 - Zootopia/Zootropolis - Animal Stereotypes

The last and final Thought Provoking post for Zootopia,
This one might actually be a lot shorter than the previous one since there isn't much to write here

So yet again let's begin.

Animal Stereotypes

Actually quick note before I start talking about stereotypes,
In my Personal Opinion, I don't see Stereotypes as a form of racism unless you mean it to be,
For example, You say Chinese people have small eyes, and in some ways this is true but not always,
Saying Chinese people have small eyes is the stereotypes the racist part is where you make fun of them and say that they probably can't see well because of it.
To me at least Racism is treating a race superior/inferior to another race,
And a stereotype is an oversimplified image of a certain group of people,

Common examples of stereotypes
American's are Fat
French wear berets and carry around baguettes
African American's love to eat watermelon and fried chicken

The racist part about these are the meanings behind them,
For example a lot of people love to eat  watermelon and fried chicken
but the racist meaning behind African American's liking it is that it is a lazy food and they are lazy.

So back to the topic
Where does animal stereotypes come from in the world of Zootropolis,
And if you place our animal stereotypes on them it is quite offensive.

Do apologize that this thought provoking post isn't as fleshed out as the others,
The next semester of my Degree course will be starting on Monday and the site may be less active for awhile,

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Though Provoking Post #003 - Zootopia - Equal Pay

Another Though Provoking Post,
This is the second thought provoking post for Zootopia, There will be just one more after this which will conclude this little series of posts

So lets begin with the Thought Provoking Post (MINOR SPOILERS)

Equal Pay

It is a problem we face in our world, Where people get payed different amounts due to race or gender, But in comparison to the world of Zootopia it is nothing.

Imagine a world where struggle to obtain equal pay is not only caused by differences in gender or ethnicity, But instead was also disrupted by differences in species and living wage to meet the standard of living. 

Sadly we don't have much information on how the population of zootopia deal with this problem, Other than the fact the city shares a common currency,

(Minor Spoiler Warning :This spoiler doesn't take anything away from the main story though it reveals what happens in a couple scenes of the movie.)

As our Nick Wildes buys a "Jumbo Pop" (Large Popsicle Ice-cream) from a store that serves very large mammals for $15 
He then melts down the "Jumbo Pop" to make smaller Popsicle Ice-Cream which he then sells to the Lemmings in another district of the city for $2 each. 

Now In terms of the size of the product these consumers are recieving, The "Jumbo Pop" would be considered a large popsicle for even the large mammals (seen in the store, elephants/hippos). 
And the melted down miniture versions "The Pawpsicle" are the size of the lemmings head, 
So in this regard we can consider that each mammal is receiving a large product for their money. 

So lets say you are the CEO of a large company "The Lemming Brothers Bank", you hire quite the number of bankers and you give them an entry wage of $10 per hour(for example) all the staff do a very similar job and they all get paid fairly, One day to increase their banks reach they start diversifying their bankers, They hire an elephant to work as a banker in the company, He/She works the same job as the other Lemmings and earn the same entry wage as any other lemming employee $10 per hour. 

Being a lemming $10 per hour is quite the amount of money because it only costs you 12 minutes of work to get quite a large popsicle and we can also assume food at their portion size would obviously cheaper then anything the elephant could get. 

Now for the Elephant $10 per hour isn't much and it costs him/her 90 minutes of work to get a jumbo pop. though of course one could argue that he might just multiple "Pawpsicle's" to satisfy his hunger for ice cream ( Though keep in mind a "Jumbo Pop" is worth quite the number of "Pawpsicle's", Nick and Finnick were seen making about 160+ "Pawpsicle's, But it is possible that all 160+ Pawpsicle is made from multiple "Jumbo Pops" scammed from multiple locations)

Ok so back on topic, Would it be fair to give this elephant staff more money for the same work the lemming's do? How would you solve this problem where all/most of the staff are happy with the outcome? 

So this week's thought provoking post is quite the long read, Though if you got through it good job, Alot to think about here. Maybe you already have a solution in your head, 
Have a good rest of the week, 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thought Provoking Post #002 - Zootopia - Interspecies Relationships

Another Thought Provoking Post,
This is the first out of the few Zootopia related post I am planning to post,
Though there will be now Zootopia review on the site as the movie already has very good reviews and rightfully so.

So lets begin with the Thought Provoking Post (NO SPOILERS)

Interspecies Relationship

In a world where there were no humans, And animals were to take our place as civilized sentient beings able to communicate between each other. Where Predators no longer hunt and Prey no longer cower in fear, It is a more peaceful time.

As you watch the movie you will still notice that the number of visible interspecies relationships are very minimal. This could be the movies way of poking at the fact that most people are more comfortable hanging out or being friends with those of the same race.

So in terms of friendships there is still some diversity though very minimal, Another noticeable separation is between the Predators and Preys.

On the other hand in terms of a more intimate relationship between lovers, There does not seem to be any to be seen throughout the movie.

So more in depth on this, In terms of the survivability of a species there would be problems if animals were to procreate with other species since most interspecies young are sterile and unable to create the next generation of young. (Other than the Tigons and Ligers).
But in comparison to the time when they were all wild, The Animals now live in a more peaceful time where species can live in harmony (being able to function as a civilized  society together).

A Civilized time where child mortality rate would have surely been dropped to an all time low for any and all species (Our Protagonists has 275 Siblings). You would think that procreation would be a minor thing in mind when looking for an intimate partner.

So what are you thoughts on this?
The city of Zootropolis is no new city,
But could the past have traumatized these animals and though they live in such peaceful times there is still traces of Speciesism in them all?
Could Interspecies Relationships still be an undiscovered thing?
Could Gazelle and one of her backup dancers be the first  Interspecies Celebrity Couple?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Barrage of posts coming your way.

So a bunch of posts is coming your way. Thought provoking posts about Zootopia/Zootropolis. Since I'm on break will work on a little video about it as well.

Going to be watching Civil War today so let's see what thought provoking posts we can discuss about that.

Keep at it homies, Stay updated.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Welcoming our new contributor Radazure + Update

A short little post to welcome Radazure to Rebirth,
Hope you guys will be interested in the stuff he posts.

So Semester Break has finally rolled around, Will be watching more anime's and posting the reviews soon.
Might also be posting more thought provoking posts soon,

Hope you guys stick around for that.