Saturday, June 13, 2015

Review : Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio : Ars Nova (Arpeggio Blue Steel)

Going to try to write this one in paragraphs instead of the separated categories like I usually do, those who find those sort of reviews more helpful ill leave a version of that review on the bottom

Review for Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio : Ars Nova (Arpeggio Blue Steel)

At the beginning I personally was not used to the mix of the 3D animation and  sort of 2D backgrounds and sort of thought the character's movements were very stiff. Though as watch more this will bother you less and less till the point you don't notice anything wrong with it. The Main characters have been developed well, the supporting cast is really strong and may as well be mains.

An anime that at first glance may seem like it would become a harem but it doesn't and though this may seem disappointing for some it actually develops quite nicely all the characters have their reasons for their actions and they are'nt all after our protagonist.

The sound has been done well all the voice acting is great, the sound effects for all the naval battles meet 'quality standards' as to say, I'm sure you would have heard them elsewhere.

I personally enjoyed the anime and personally feel there is room for a season 2 but the season closed in a way where it is not needed, Looking forward to the movie.

Review done in my usual category type: (for those who prefer it that way)

Story : 8/10
The story played out in this anime may not be unique but it has been executed very well, Lots of ups and downs and very little down time from the action. So if your looking for advance tech naval strategies this is the anime for you.

Art :  8/10
The art style is essentially 3D Characters, 3D Ships, 2D backgrounds (it seems to be I'm quite sure it is). The 3D characters threw me off a bit during the first episode as the characters movements seemed stiff and not fluent. Though its like they changed artists after the first episode and the art feels better after the first episode. 3D ships well personally I feel this may be the only way to get some really cool naval battle action and its very well done.
Indoors and basically when they are not on the ship the backgrounds are 2D the characters may seem 2D during these scenes as well. Messy start but works well as you continue to watch.

Sound : 10/10
Great voice acting, Good sound effects. The sounds reach 'quality standards' as per say. Done really well I'm sure you heard some of the effects used in other things.

Characters : 8/10
The Main characters have been developed well and the supporting cast is also quite developed and strong, They may as well all be main characters in this. Happy to say there is only one love triangle and the other girls have their own reasons for their actions.

Enjoyment : 8/10
 Personally enjoyed watching our protagonists solve problems and how all the naval action is done, The story was enjoyable to watch and I'm looking forward to watching the upcoming movie.

* Repost from my "MyAnimeList" Reviews,
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Saturday, June 6, 2015

CSGO : Basic Guide to Silvers

If your stuck on Silver Ranks, It only means two things.
1. Your aim is off
2. You have little to no game sense

Personally I think as long as you have most basic ability of aiming, game sense is more important.

Something you can always improve, There are a number of maps that can help you train your aim but before we get to that a few things to check. 

1) Make Sure Mouse Acceleration is OFF
In CSGO, Under the Options > Keyboard/Mouse > Mouse Acceleration. 
If you have been playing with this On, you might find it very hard to get used to any sensitivity. 
Mouse acceleration basically moves makes your crosshair move faster/slower depending on how quickly you move the mouse, 

2) Find your most preferred Sensitivity. 
You can change your sensitivity in two ways, through the menu (Options > Keyboard/Mouse > Mouse Acceleration) or through the developer console with the command 'sensitivity_(number)' replace the underscore '_' with a space and replace (number) with a number. 

Lower sensitivities are normally recommended since it's easier to developer muscle memory over a larger movement, Your mouse pad from the left side to the right side should be 170°, There is never a need for a 360° (In CSGO if someone is behind you, your basically dead). Gaming Mousepads are quite large and if you are a wrist aim then try to find a sensitivity that feels most comfortable. Though moving the mouse with your forearm has its advantages. 

3) Headshots or nothing
This may be aiming high and some may prefer to learn spray patterns first though training yourself to get that one click or double tap is the best way to go, Remember to relax this is just a game, Panic shooting when you spot the enemy is the best way to lose a firefight, remember shooting 15 rounds around the enemy doesn't do anything other than reveal your location. Two shots to the head is enough for any weapon. 
Reflex Map : A great map to practice clicking on heads. 

4) Spray Patterns 
It's useful to know but remember distance changes the amount of compensation you need to make.
Like dragging down after your first few shots, though up close dragging down from the head to the lower torso is enough, further away it's always better to burst fire, and remember number 3, 

5) Know your Map, Know your Corners (Cursor Placements)
The biggest problem Silver's don't know they have, Pre-Aim at the corner your going to peek, 
before peeking out of cover, aim at the place you plan to peek, there are only a number of places players tend to be at any point at the map and knowing these points allow you to place your cursor right on them before you even see them, 

Another cursor placement tip : learn how tall players are at different angles and different locations, this way you only have to adjust your horizontal aim when you spot an enemy, every less millisecond you spend aiming is your advantage. 

Training Aim V2
This map is essentially a down range shooting gallery, It has some preset practices you can do, Great map to get used to your sensitivity, 

Game sense do you have it?, Are you the first to rotate when your teammate spots one player on the other site. Though this is not something anyone can teach you, We can merely advice you on what to look up. 

1) Know Your Map
Playing one map over and over again isn't a bad thing, Personally I only play De_Dust2 because it's the only map I can get 60fps online (sadly not even stable 60fps). 
But learning and knowing the map well gives you that edge against your Silver Peers. 

1a) Know your callouts
Though the listed guide is abit old and different regions seem to have different names for each place learning the most basic callout's will help you inform your team of the enemies location. The more advance call outs you learn the more you can pinpoint exactly where the enemy is, Of coarse knowing your callouts mean you understand what your teammates mean when they say different things. If unclear explain after the round ends to the teammates what  you meant by the callout.

1b) Know how to use your grenades (Smokes,Flashes,HE & Molly's)
There are a lot of guides out there and here is just one of them

Smokes : Learning how and where to throw smokes is essentially an easy advantage to gain against your enemies, Smokes to block a certain entry point into a site and Smokes to block a rotation. Both CT's and T's will find strategic smokes very helpful. Other then smoking mid Silver's don't seem to take advantage of this $300 nade. 

Flashes : The most effective flash last for 3 seconds, which happens when the player is looking towards the flash and is nearby to the detonation of the flash, looking even 90° can really lessen the effects of a flash. 
Learn how to throw effective flashes and warn your team where you are flashing, Firstly there are two ways you want to throw a flash, Giving the enemy either the least amount of time to react to a flash or giving the enemy the most amount of time to react to a flash. 

Now giving the enemy the least amount of time to react to a flash, commonly called "Pop-Flashing" google up some pop flashes on your favorite maps and your sure to find guides and videos about it

Now giving the enemy the most amount of time to react to a flash, this is something I like to do and I'm sure probably a lot of higher ranks as well, Can be done on most corners,
Throwing a flash against a wall (near a corner) at a 45° angle, So that the flash detonates behind you when you peek the corner, (I'll try to get a sample image soon), 

HE (Heavy Explosive): Learn how to throw it, Learn where to throw it, that's about it with HE's, 
It doesn't do 100 Damage to anyone unless your lucky enough to hit some unarmoured player in the head before it explodes at their feet. 
Molotov / Incendiary Grenade : Throw it to slow down enemies, Lasts 7 seconds, Molotovs are cheaper and ignores armour, Incendiary's are more expensive and does less damage to armoured players. Though it probably won't happen IRL molotovs have a certain amount of time before they explode mid air explosions = wasted molly. 

1c) Choosing to pre-fire corners, Checking corners
As a lurker on T side, this may probably be where I get a lot of my kills, ( I will get some images of lurk positions I like to play on Dust 2).When rotating Silver CT's always seem to forget about checking corners, most will be running to the other bomb site with their knives out even without prior information of where the enemy is. 
Between the time the enemy secures the bomb site and plants the bomb, You should already be rotating checking the corners in your way, with 45 seconds most of the time you have the time to quickly check the corners on the way. 

Knowing where the enemy like to lurk is a great way of telling you what corners to pre-fire, 
Pre-firing is simply fire at a corner as you peek it, normally your reaction time is slower when in-mind you are waiting to see an enemy before firing,  Place your cursor at the corner you are planning to peek and when you peek it, fire a couple rounds at the corner, if someone is there they will have less time to react to your peek and if there isn't you wasted a couple rounds doesn't matter. (Obviously the CZ-75 shouldn't be used to pre-fire corners though this is where your game sense comes in, If there is normally a player there shooting 4-6 rounds at the corner will most likely get you that kill,)

1d) Don't rotate till you/ your teammates see the bomb. 
The biggest mistakes silver's tend to make is rotating to a lurker, Hold the sites till you or your teammates spot the bomb, Then after your team spots the bomb you should immediately know where to rotate too, Remember 1B while rotating, Once you and your team surrounds the area where the bomber is, There's a choice of action and things to think off, 
How Many Enemies do I think is in this area, How many enemies have been spotted or heard in this area? Where are the Enemies currently looking? 
depending on the situation  you can either hold a corner where they will have to pass by you to rotate, or push in to get shots at their backs while their pre-occupied shooting your teammate.
Once your team has control of the bomb, Another decision comes to mind. 
Guard or Hunt?
Now the questions that will help you decide,
How many player's are left on each side?
How is the economy of your team? Can you afford to re-buy or buy for a teammate that needs it? Can you do both? How valuable to my team is the weapon I currently hold?
Depending on where the bomb is dropped, How many angles are there to cover? Do they need me to hold an angle?
Depending on the situation you will decide whether or not to hunt, and this is where your game sense comes in, Where could he be hiding which angle is he watching, No one can teach you game sense and you can only get better my playing.

2) Communication is Key
If your team doesn't communicate you allow that enemy lurker to get extra kills, if your team doesn't communicate rotations are more dangerous and slower as teammates have to be more cautious of the unknown location of the enemy force,

Report to your teammates where you have seen or heard the enemies, If you have spotted the bomb and such, and even after death spectate your teammate who doesn't communicate and be his eyes to the team,
Watch as your team play more confidently when they know exactly where the enemies are,

If you have teammates that don't communicate then ask for information, another thing is to tell them to do their best or simply say nice try if they fail to clutch a round, Punishing your teammates will cause most players to become unresponsive.

Another part of communication is trust, Do you trust your teams information, Do they trust you with yours, At the very low silver rankings its hard to find reliable information and players don't seem to listen to others, Continue giving information to your team either way, As the rounds go by and you have been making correct calls, they will start listening to you more,

I have noticed Silver's who don't have in-game voice on and that might be a reason why they aren't listening to you, Cause they can't hear you. Before the match make sure your team has it on,

Only talk to give information you can leave comments after the round and before the next, Nobody wants to hear you laugh, scream, panic over the mic, Report the enemies location then repeat your report one more time. Enough.

A lot of Silver's seem to disregard listening to footsteps and their really long barrel, Shadows you need to use at your advantage.

Running on different surfaces will allow players nearby to hear your footsteps, Slightly different footstep sounds on different surfaces, Walking (Shift Default) will lessen your footsteps to almost nothing.
Jumping up doesn't make a sound but the drop down after a jump makes noise.
Shift Jumping gives you a little higher jump, shifting again while in the air then letting go just before you hit the ground seems to lessen drop down noise.

Another sound you can hear is weapon pickup sounds, When a player picks up a weapons or nades off the floor without shifting you can hear a certain pick-up noise, If they swap weapons you can hear both pick-up noise and probably the other gun hitting the floor. Picking up items while shifting will create a sound which can only be heard by you.

Know your points in the map where your shadow is visible before you are.
For Example : A Long Doors on Dust2, and aggressive angle a CT and play inside A Long doors, watching that angle allows him to see your shadow before you pass the doors, meaning he is ready to shoot before you even know if there is someone there.

It's an advantage that exists in the game so take advantage of it.

Wondering how the enemy knew you where there before you even push the corner, or how he pre-fired before you even pass the door, He/She probably saw your gun before you,
Most rifles are quite long and can be seen even if you are hiding in a corner, One way to combat this is to face the wall. The Snipers (Auto,Awp,Scout) and M4A1-S seems to have the longest barrels in the game and must be used with caution when holding or pushing corners.

I probably missed some important tips though just knowing these things will most probably help you develop your aim and game sense. If you think I miss something important please feel free to leave a comment.

So the main things to get from this guide.
1) Don't Shoot till you have your crosshair on the enemy. Especially when they haven't seen you,
2) Map Knowledge
3) Taking advantage of sound, A lot of silver makes the mistake of running around when trying to clutch,

Friday, June 5, 2015

Review : Upotte!!

Writing a Review for Upotte!!
Will be writing a paragraphy by paragraph review first, scroll down lower for a broken down version (by category)

In my experience of this anime, I was really put off by the first episode, It gives you that impression that it's going to be some sort of Harem over the Japanese Teacher. Of coarse it isn't even though the synopsis on this site will lead you to think so, (The first episode made me drop the anime for two weeks). The first episode can be treated as an introduction to the characters but is not really that important, (Skipping it won't do much harm)

Upotte!! is a sort of comedic-informative anime about guns, While watching expect to laugh and learn a few things about guns, Another thing about this anime is that it is ecchi (perverted). Though other than what happens in the first episode it is quite tame.

The story isn't anything to be wow-ed over and would'nt really be the main selling point of this anime, Removing the jokes and ecchi scenes from this anime would reveal how boring/plain the story is. But they did well to cover it up, Going into this anime with a neutral mindset will allow you to enjoy the anime for its very cute main characters.

The character's personality can be linked slightly to what gun they are. The art style is nothing new or unique but has been done well enough

(One complain though, These guns have horrible aim when they are under pressure.It was a bit annoying to see when they perform so well in practice)

Review divided into categories

Story : 6/10 : Honestly the story isn't all that interesting and the story in each episode can be found in almost every "day-to-day*" adventure anime.

Art : 8/10 : No complaints about the art style, meets a standard quality that allows the viewer to enjoy without a problem. (If you read my other reviews, I rate 10/10 for unique art styles that are well done).

Sound : 9/10 : Personally as long as the sounds are there and syned with the animation's I have no complaints, The voices are well done and really fit each character (Japanese Dub) the sound effects are strange in a few scenes in my personal opinion.

Character : 7/10 : The character's are well designed in aim to please the different types of preferences people may have for anime girls, Though in personality we the viewers know very little about them. Other than their specs and attitude towards others, we know very little and that may cause a certain discontent from the viewers.

Enjoyment : 7/10 : Honestly had a good laugh while watching this anime, Though the first episode put me off from watching it for awhile. The rest of the episodes did well in giving me a laugh and some information about guns.

* Repost from my "MyAnimeList" Reviews,
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