It was 3:34am in the morning, Just finished up with my assignments that was due in 10 hours,
Had the Discord app running in the background and noticed some activity in the #Zootopia Channel of the Zootopia Server,
Some questions from "TheScout105" on Reddit ("Iz Zeck" on Discord).
One of those questions being the inconsistency of time in the movie, Mainly what happened with Judy's 48 hours to solve the case, Here are my findings
DAY 0 (First Day of Work)
5:30 AM - Judy wakes up to get ready for work
Some things to notice here, The sky is bright enough to illuminate the room, Allowing Judy to get ready to go work, In a future scene when Judy comes home from Day 0 shows there is not enough artificial lighting outside her window to brighten up the room, So we can assume that Sunrise is close-by - Around 6:30-7:30am (Estimation)
She gets to work on Day 0
Due to the location of the sun shining into the building, We can assume it is morning, Unless you want to argue that She goes to work only in the Afternoon when the sun is setting.
Note the light level on the wall behind Clawhauser's desk. (It shines touching the emblem on the wall slightly.)
11:58PM - On the Job
We can now confirm that she went to work in the morning (Obviously), As she challenges herself to writing 200 Tickets before noon, This is confirmed by the street-clock shown as well as what Judy says "Boom, 200 Tickets before Noon".
After the events of Day 0 she goes home
8:39 PM - According to the Clock
As she switches through radio stations we can note that the time is 8:39PM,
She goes to Microwave some dinner and comes back still 8:39PM,
8:39PM - According to Judy's Phone - Call from Parents
This time the clock and Judy's phone confirms the time 8:39PM
Call lasts for about a minute,
End's the Call at 8:40PM
9:44PM - According to Judy's Phone - When She Puts the Phone Down
After the call ends Judy proceeds to place the phone face down on the table we can notice the time according to the phone as 9:44 PM as well as her Phone lockscreen showing an image of Judy and the little sibling that said good bye to her when she was on the train.
This is the first inconsistency of time in the movie though this doesn't really affect the story much or at all.
What we can confirm is that there is minimal light coming from the window. She still would need to use the lamp to brighten up the rest of the room.
Start of Day 1 shows Judy already on Duty, No clear indication of time yet, At least to what I can see.
Weaselton Chase Scene
During the chase we see the sun in the sky twice for brief moments, What we can tell is that the sun is not directly overhead meaning it is either the morning or afternoon.
Captured the Weasel
As we get back to Clawhausers desk, looking at the lighting on the wall it would indicate either earlier in morning than when Judy gets to work on Day 0 or Later in the afternoon as the sun is setting.
Almost half of the emblem on the wall is touched by sunlight,
Due to where the light is coming from, the sun is lower in the sky in comparison to when Judy arrives on Day 0, This should mean it is earlier in the morning. If it was the afternoon the light should be coming from the other direction and probably would not enter the building as it does in this scene.
Judy Takes On The Case
This happens after the events of capturing the weasel, From Chief Bogo's Office there is now way to tell the time, (Unless I'm missing something).
Checking the Case File
Back to Clawhauser's desk looking again at the wall, The light barely skims the side and bottom of the emblem, Which would tell us that the sun is higher up in the sky at this point, But as it is still shining into the building from the same side, We can still assume that it is not the Afternoon.
No clear signs of time all we know though is they went in during the coarse of the day, and came out after the sun has set. Thanks Nick for wasting Judy's Time.
Travelling to Mr.Big - 8:35PM According to Raymond/Kevin's Phone (Polar Bears)
*Inconsistency - Mr.Big's Daughter says she was saved
Yesterday should have been this morning (If we were to take this information as truth, We could say Judy only receives the case file a day after the events at Bogo's Office, Though this would contradict what Judy says leaving the Naturalists club, "Only 36 hours remaining", Though Judy's calculations may be wrong it suggests that she has more than 24 hours.)
Nick and Judy Stays for the Wedding
A couple hours have passed by - Doesn't really matter
Jam-Cam Time Stamp- 11:30PM
Nick and Judy checks the Traffic Cameras - Manchas was capture at 11:30PM
The Officers and Judy Arrive at the Scene
When Judy is showing Chief Bogo where it all happens,
Nick says we have 10 hours left
We could say that a couple hours has passed from the incident since shortly after as Nick and Judy enter the SkyTram we see a sunrise.
Following the information we had before it is around 5:30am++,
They could have spent the time searching for Judy's Walkie-Talkie or the SkyTram trip was longer than we thought,
City-Hall (Sometime before noon)
Nick and Judy arrive at City-Hall some time before noon as we see Mayor Lionheart asking Bellwether to cancel his afternoon meetings. This could be a couple hours before noon, could be a couple minutes before noon, Doesn't matter.
8:39PM - Judy's Phone - Recording Mayor Lionheart
We can see the time from Judy's phone When Judy's parents call her up.
Mayor Lionheart is arrested soon after.
Still Nighttime
The Deadline should have been the following Morning
In Conclusion Nick is just bad at calculating time, Though in a way he wouldn't know when Judy actually took on the case, He was told she has 36 hours left after leaving the naturist club,
So his estimation should at least been have about 15-19 hours, Though seeing as Nick was on the spot he could have estimated wrongly
Even though Judy actually has 24+ hours left
Chief Bogo wanted to collect Judy's Badge as he feels Judy is unable to perform the job even though knowing that she still has about 24+ hours. Of coarse due to the moment Chief Bogo may have just wanted to get Judy to quit as soon as possible, Which would explain why he demanded her badge.